Americans are increasingly using their mobile phones for so much more than calling and texting. Cell phone and tablet use has expanded to include everything from searching the internet, paying bills, playing and purchasing music, reading books, managing calendars, playing games and more. reports that in 2014, 36 percent of smartphone and 45 percent of tablet users had purchased at least one app for their mobile device. According to industry figures, the number of mobile app buyers in the United States is projected to reach 85 million by 2019.
Because of this surge in the use of mobile devices and applications, companies are looking to hire specialists who can develop and program for mobile devices. Mobile Developers creates applications and solutions for mobile devices including smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices. The demand for this type of job has continued to increase as businesses adjust to mobile strategies in their marketing and advertising efforts. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects about a 27 percent increase in employment growth for web developers (which includes mobile developers) by 2024. This growth is predicted as result of the rising popularity of mobile devices and ecommerce.
Job requirements for mobile development careers include a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering or a related field, as well as experience in software development and mobile application development, such as iOS or Android application development. Some employers may also require candidates to have advanced certifications in areas such as advanced web development and in mobile application development. Employers are looking for strong candidates, who in addition to relevant education, also have substantial work experience in mobile development, as they may be developing applications that can potentially reach millions of users per day.
As people rely more and more on their mobile devices, the industry’s employment growth will remain strong. “The biggest shift in the industry is mobile technologies,” says Andrew Ruditser, a Lead Technology Coordinator at Maxburst Inc., a web development company on Long Island. “We have to make sure our sites don’t just look good on desktops, but also on androids and iPhones.”
If you are looking for a career as a mobile developer, consider contacting a professional and established recruiting firm such as The Forum Group. For over four decades The Forum Group has successfully placed thousands of individuals in meaningful and rewarding positions. Contact The Forum Group, an experienced staffing and recruiting company, to help you secure a career in mobile development.